Do you want your complete Facebook data.Then go through this article,you can download your complete data consists of messages,shares,likes,friends,photos,settings,videos,wall posts,contact info etc...
1. In the top right of your Facebook page, click down arrow icon.
3.In 'General Account Settings' page,click 'Download a copy' .
10.Now you can download the zip file.Extract the file.In that you can see all your data.
Steps to follow to download data:
1. In the top right of your Facebook page, click down arrow icon.
2.Click 'Settings'.
3.In 'General Account Settings' page,click 'Download a copy' .
4.Click 'Start my Archive' button.
5.Click 'Start my Archive' button.
6.Enter your Facebook password and click 'Submit' button.
7.Once you go through above step,you will observe following screen shot.Once you see that image.Go to your email and you will see a mail with subject as 'Your Facebook download is ready'.Open that mail and click the given link in that mail.
8.Click 'Download Archive' button.
9.Enter your Facebook password and click 'Submit' button.
10.Now you can download the zip file.Extract the file.In that you can see all your data.
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