Pakistan could be World’s 3rd Biggest Nuclear power

Pakistan could be world’s 3rd biggest nuclear power in 10 yrs

Pakistan could be World’s 3rd Biggest Nuclear power

Pakistan seems to appear as a World’s Biggest Nuclear power within a span of 10 years from now.

         Presently, Pakistan is at 6th position.US, Russia, France, UK and China are the first 5 biggest Nuclear power Nations. Pakistan is already ahead of India and could be at the 3rd position in 10 years. Pakistan has set the target to itself to produce 20 nuclear warheads per year to face external threats. India is producing only 2 to 5 nuclear warheads per year.

 A new report released that Pakistan could possess 350 weapons in 10 years. And that result would make Pakistan be ahead of France, China and UK which have 300, 250 and 225 weapons respectively. US and Russia are far ahead of all nations with 1600 weapons each. 

Currently, Pakistan has a weapon count of 120 whereas India has the weapon count of 100.India has 600 kilograms of plutonium, whereas Pakistan has 170 kilograms of Plutonium and 3.1 metric tons of highly enriched uranium.

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